What does self-belief mean to me?

Journal prompts for self-belief

Lately, as it is to be human, I’ve been doubting myself. Retreating somewhere inside where I can’t fully be visible. I didn’t know it till this morning, as always it was journaling that brought it to my awareness.

Through this writing, this unearthing, I found my self-belief. And it brought up a question,

What does self-belief mean to me?

It means seeing the good in me. Seeing what I do have, instead of what’s lacking. Seeing the ways in which I’ve been able to cultivate strength, write well, be a supportive friend and loved one, go towards my goals. See that it has been me that’s made those things happen, instead of seeing, and only seeing, all the things that I could class myself as a failure for.

It means being a kind friend to myself, being someone who wants to be there for myself, instead of someone who criticises, doubts and shames.

It means I move forward in what I want, it means I pursue what’s meaningful and aligned with my true self. It means I think I’m worthy of this motivation and determination.

It means believing it’s possible and that I’m capable of building it.

It means letting go of the belief that I am small and incapable, that it is only through others that I can be built up. Instead, knowing, trusting and holding my own power, seeing my own strength and rising up to meet that strength in the biggest jesus pose there is.

It’s seeing my weaknesses, my foibles, the places I’m still learning, and accepting them. Treating myself with compassion for my humanness and still carrying on despite, and because of, my humanness.

It is letting others support me; letting people in and accepting their advice, their kindness or their help, because I know I cannot do it alone, because I know it strengthens me, not weakens me, to accept help and support.

It means letting go of comparison and knowing that I have a unique set of skills, experiences and values, only I have, to bring into this world what my heart is desiring.

It means accepting that doubt is part of self-belief. That the times we doubt are just another opportunity to understand the ever unfolding layers of our selves and to cultivate more belief.

Self-belief is self-esteem, self-compassion, self-acceptance all wrapped up. Self-wholeness.

It is a fierce but gentle, strong but compassionate, rising in your chest, in your heart, which enables you to lift your chin towards what’s in front of you and say, ‘I can and I will do this’. Knowing that there will still be the tingling of fear, the other part of you who aches to retreat, but choosing to meet this part with compassion, say, ‘I know, I hear you,’ and lift your chin to the sky even higher.

What does self-belief mean to you? Are you looking to build your own self-belief, to find your own inner power and strength? Here’s some journal prompts to help you do just that.

9 journal prompts for self-belief

What does self-belief mean to you?

When have you felt self-belief?

What has contributed to your lack of self-belief?

What are you proud of yourself for?

What are your biggest strengths, qualities or traits?

What have those strengths allowed you to do in your life?

What 3 positive words would your friends describe you as?

In the past, when have you felt a lack of self-belief but strived forward anyway? How did you feel afterwards?

Think of a time when you have been challenged recently. How did you persist with that, regardless of the outcome?

Now take a self-appreciation break…

…to grow your self-belief even further.

Take 2 minutes to reflect on the above answers, close your eyes and notice the sensations in your body. Repeat your strengths to yourself, what you’re proud of, visualise the challenges you’ve faced and survived. Notice what you feel in your body, where you feel it, whether it’s warm, spacious, lifting. Sit with those sensations for a moment.

That is your self-belief.

Remember how it feels in your body and repeat this self-appreciation break whenever you’re feeling self-doubt.

With love,

Suzi x

If you’d like support with building your self-belief, 1:1 coaching might be for you. I’d love to hear from you if you’re interested in working with me.

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