Spring journaling prompts

spring journaling

New season, new reflections. Journaling at the beginning of a new season can set you up for the coming months to ensure you’re meeting the goals you’ve set for yourself and also any needs that have arisen over winter. For me, it’s a huge part of creating the intentional life I want to live. With the new growth and blossoming buds of energetic spring, this season in particular is a hopeful one to journal on.

The themes that have emerged for me this spring…


As well as new beginnings, this spring feels like a time for taking learning and putting it into action. The self-reflection that has become an integral part of my life, mainly through journaling, has brought to light some things recently. A lot about my own needs, particularly in relationships, which I feel I’m understanding more and more.

If awareness is the first step to change, action is a big step to make that change happen.

And so this season, with the fresh starts of new buds, I want to take action on the understanding I’ve gained.

What learning can you put into action this season?


Deep thinking for me is like a big bar of chocolate to yourself straight from the fridge. I want to devour it all of the time, mostly to myself. I have a pretty good sense of humour but, sometimes, I can tend to the serious side and forget to be playful.

A recent trip to Thailand was a big reminder of that for me. A holiday naturally brings up a more playful side of yourself, with the time and space to let go and be free. So my intention this season is to nurture play, through dancing, exploring new places and trying new things.

How can you bring more fun and play into your days?


Since recovering from chronic illness, there has been a lot of pushing forward. Keeping going, supporting others, trying to build a life after the time I have missed. So winter, for me, wasn’t so much a time of hibernation, but keeping on going and growing, a lot of the time, outside of my comfort zone.

My word for this year is Ease and this season I am feeling conscious to create space as part of that ease. I don’t want to get caught in the fullness and business of spring and summer where we feel called to be drawn out of the wintry respite of our homes into constant doing and socialising.

I want to make space for spontaneity which is part of being playful for me. Some of the throb and fullness of spring, I want to keep to myself, to savour it and nurture its warmth within my own bones before I tend to everyone else’s.

How can you make space for your own needs this season?

Spring Journaling Prompts

To get the most out of the next season and to spend a spring flourishing in alignment with your true self, use these spring journaling prompts to connect with this new season of yourself. Use them all or simply answer the ones that you feel drawn towards.

  • What has winter taught you this year?

  • What have you enjoyed about winter you might miss?

  • What would you like to take with you into spring?

  • What is important to you this season? How can act upon that?

  • How are you feeling going into a new season?

  • What do you want this spring to be all about?

  • What is your intention for spring?

  • How can you savour this season?

  • What can you do to invite more fun and play into your days?

  • Spring is the perfect time for…

  • What New Year intentions need renewing?

  • What have I learnt that I’m putting into action?

With love,

Suzi x

I’d love to hear how you got on with these prompts, get in touch with anything you’d like to discuss. I share prompts and thoughts like this over on my Instagram, I’d love to connect with you there.


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