The value of coaching

a green landscape showing the growth of a tree

Coaching at the core of its essence is about change, growth and transformation. And all of those things may encompass healing if that’s where you find yourself. Coaching is about learning to believe and trust in yourself so wholeheartedly that you feel able and excited to move closer to what your heart desires. To know what your heart desires.

Growth and change happen within space, within the possibility of expansiveness. When trapped in the busyness of our daily lives, the day after day of routines and habits, or when trapped in the workings of our mind which can be so limiting and enslaving, it can be hard to find that space where learning and understanding come to us. That is exactly what coaching creates, space.

Space for you to uncover what’s really true for you, outside of the expectations of the external.

Space for you to understand what is limiting you, whether that’s fears you’ve held onto for so long they feel like they breathe as part of you, or beliefs that keep you feeling stuck and creating the same cyclical patterns.

Space for you to really listen to yourself and get to know the quiet parts of confidence, belief and trust that already sit within you.

Space to see your own worth and honour that with commitment to action.

Space to create what you know is possible.

Space to live and act closer to your truest self.

Sometimes we just can’t get into that space alone. Sometimes we need to let people support us, let ourselves have needs that are better met when in the company of someone who acts solely for us. Sometimes we need to allow ourselves to be held and heard before we can move forward.

Which brings me to the other element at the core of coaching, for me. Compassion.

In compassion there is acceptance, there is allowing, there is room to breathe. There is space to show all of yourself and for none of it to be turned away. It allows for the opening of expansiveness which, in turn, allows for growth and change. I hope to bring compassion to the collaborative relationship, which forms the basis of coaching, in the shape of the space I hold for you but also in the way you hold yourself. Meeting ourselves with this kind of care allows things to shift and move, or if not ready to do either of those things, to be processed and nurtured.

The value of coaching lies in allowing yourself the space and compassionate support in which clarity can be found. And really allowing yourself that. Letting go of the concept or belief that it is weak, unnecessary, superfluous, shameful to allow ourselves to be supported. Once we’ve stepped up and into that space, its value lies in getting clear what your heart is desiring and then dedicating commitment and readiness to it. Being open to discover, to feel, to learn, to respond differently, to act in a way that supports what you’re wanting to move towards.

I believe you are capable of change. Do you?

Journal prompts to see if you’re ready

  • If you had the support and space you’re craving, what might be possible for you?

  • How might you grow, change or transform?

  • What would allow you to be ready to take this step?

  • What’s stopping you?

  • What if you don’t take this step?

Much love,

Suzi x

If you’re thinking about coaching, I hope these prompts and insights help you to decide if it’s the right time for you. If you have any questions you’d like to explore more, it would be lovely to chat with you on a free 20 minute connection call.


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