Journaling prompts for winter
“You may think yourself lazy or flawed. Yet your body is made of almost exactly the same elements as the stars. Your bone composition matches the coral in the seas and you, my friend, are ruled by the moon and the sun. Whether you like it or not. So no, you are not lazy, nature is simply pulling you to slow, like the life, floral and fauna around you. It is not your moment to rise. It is winter, you are wintering. And you are right on time.”
The winter solstice on 21st December calls the beginning of a new winter. As we head into the depths of the dark and the cold, and retreat more into our homes, we are called to retreat more into ourselves.
The winter solstice is often a time to reflect, to pause. A time for nourishing yourself ahead of a new year to fill yourself with energy for what is to come. I use the winter solstice as a time to do just that with journaling prompts for winter.
As the cold begins to seep into your bones with a freshness that takes your breath away, crisp air whipping at your nose, bare trees standing naked and alone, there is left a space, a hole, a void that lingers emptily around you. A space that leaves all laid bare, ready to be looked at and considered.
Just as nature takes a pause and goes inward through the winter months, it’s an opportunity for us to sink into more stillness. Rather than pushing yourself to change or create, the emptiness of winter offers room to sit with and be still.
That presence and stillness is what I feel I’m particularly being called to this winter. A time, not to do nothing, but to immerse myself in what is. Not to rush into the next thing, not to move on to something before I have really considered it, not to push and achieve in order to make myself meaningful. To simply sit with and reflect, before I make the next move.
It is in that stillness that I offer you a chance to sit with your own reflections with these winter solstice journaling prompts. So, I invite you to get yourself a blanket, light some incense, pour a hot cup of something and pause and enjoy.
Discover your true self
with journaling
For more journaling prompts, check out the journaling guides available on my shop to guide yourself through topics like perfectionism, self-esteem, stress and processing emotions or save 50% when you buy the full guide.
Winter solstice journaling prompts
What does being still look like for you right now?
What can you sit with instead of pushing to change?
What would feel easier if you allowed yourself to be still with it?
Where in your life do you need a slower energy right now?
Which parts of you might come forward if you gave yourself time to slow down?
Which parts of you are asking for a pause?
What are you hoping to find in this stillness?
How would it make you feel if you allowed yourself to simply be with what is?
What are you considering acting upon that may benefit from simply sitting with for a while?
In this stillness, what would you like to reflect on from the last year?
What could you make room for next year if you gave yourself this time to pause now?
As you journey forward into the next year, what do you want to take with you from this year that nourishes you?
Visualise the early dusk of winter, your warm breath dancing out against the cold air. Pause and allow yourself to sit with that image for a moment. What do you need to let go of from this year to breathe more easily?
Visualise the light of a cold, crisp, blue-skied winter morning, the sparkle of frost in the air. Pause and allow yourself to sit with that image for a moment. What in your life do you need to shine this warming light on and pay more attention to next year?
In the silence of the end of the year, what new beginnings are you quietly hopeful for?
What can you offer yourself now to allow space for these new beginnings to emerge when they’re ready?
I hope you can find some peace and ease in the stillness and enjoy what winter has to offer you.
Much love,
Suzi xx
P.S. I will be returning from maternity leave soon. If you’re interested in being updated on when I’m back, get in touch with your contact details. Until then, you can find support from the journaling guides available on my shop or take a look through my Instagram.